Friday, November 14, 2014

Favorite dessert recipe!

Hey guys! So as everyone knows the internet is filled with endless amount of dessert recipes! I wanted to know from the 2 previous desserts that I posted which one is your favorite! I am going to repost the recipes here and how to make them incase you would like to make it again before you pick your favorite!

1. Pumpkin Roll
- 3 beaten eggs
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1/2 a teaspoon ground cinnamon 
- 2/3 cup pumpkin pure
- 3/4 cup all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- 8 ounces of cream cheese
- 1 cup of confectioners sugar 
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). 
Butter or grease one 10x15 inch jelly roll pan. 

2. In a mixing bowl, blend together the eggs, sugar, 
cinnamon, and pumpkin. In a separate bowl, mix 
together flour and baking soda. Add to pumpkin 
mixture and blend until smooth. Evenly spread the 
mixture over the prepared jelly roll pan. 

3. Bake 15 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven. 
Remove from oven and allow to cool enough to handle.

4. Remove cake from pan and place on tea towel 
(cotton, not terry cloth). Roll up the cake by rolling a 
towel inside cake and place seam side down to cool.

5. Prepare the frosting by blending 
together the butter, cream cheese,
 confectioners sugar, and vanilla.

6. When cake is completely cooled, unroll and spread 
with cream cheese filling. Roll up again without towel. 
Wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve. 
Sprinkle top with confectioners sugar and slice into 8-10 servings.

2. Country Apple Dumplings

Some rules for this competition.

- First write down if number 1 the Pumpkin Roll or number 2 Country Apple Dumplings is your favorite.

- Write down any comments of altering the recipe if you think they recipe can be improved. 

- Write down where you served the dessert. Examples (family function, at a friends house, etc.) 

Now go ahead and get voting!! :)


  1. The pumpkin roll wins easily. By far one of my favorite things during this season.

  2. Thanksgiving = pumpkin roll wins. Enough said.

  3. Apples feel acceptable all the time, so I have to go with the Pumpkin Roll for the season.

  4. Pumpkin roll is definitely where it's at! I recently heard that it's a very Pennsylvania/Lancaster county food? If that's true and other areas of the country don't have pumpkin roll, that really sucks for them.
